Fire Academy Foundation, Inc.

P O Box 474
Shelter Island NY 11964
631-749-0300 office
631-749-0330 fax
The Fire Academy Foundation
... is a registered 501.c.3 charitable foundation. Our IRS ID# is 45-5370414. Our directors serve without compensation.Our mission is to cover the annual budgetary shortfall of the Suffolk County Fire Academy in Yaphank.
Every year, the Academy fights for more funding, only to receive less funding than the previous year. Important training is delayed or even cancelled. We have formed the Foundation to educate the general public and Suffolk's corporate community of the County funding crisis that affects the 109 fire departments, 11,000 volunteer firefighters and 1,000,000 residents of Suffolk County.
Our Foundation will act as a conduit for tax-deductible donations of funds and "in-kind" services so that the Academy can continue training the heroes who protect lives and property in Suffolk.